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Two Lifestyles in Two Different Worlds
Everyone views the world from their unique perspective. Some people are so introspective that they prefer to bring all the comforts of life within the walls of their own home. In contrast, others don’t mind the size or amenities of their house; instead, they love life outside the home, making the most of city facilities and social living. But what if there was a city where even the most introverted person could feel at home right in the middle of the busiest streets? A city next to our beloved Iran, offering the deepest possible connections.
Scene One
Imagine for a moment: close your eyes and envision your villa perched on a mountain with terraces stretching toward the summit. A villa adorned with a Roman dome, gilded ceilings, both indoor and outdoor pools, and a garden so lush with colorful flowers that every day, you pass through this vibrant beauty to enter or leave your home. In the villa’s multi-level basement, you have a garage filled with the finest luxury cars, from historic plates to rare and high-end models.
You draw the villa's water from a well, purifying it with advanced desalination systems. Air purifiers installed throughout bring you the freshest mountain air imaginable in that highland location.
You’ve set up the best, high-speed internet without restrictions, and the rooms and halls of the villa are decorated with items and sculptures from the world’s most prestigious brands. The furniture and drapes are carefully chosen from the most luxurious options available worldwide.

Perhaps what was just described is the dream home for many of us.
Now, imagine the outside environment in contrast. Streets filled with alternating black and white cars under a sky thick with smog; vehicles speeding carelessly through narrow, outdated streets that frustrate pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. Traffic, due to factors like the imbalance between the number of vehicles and available roads, can easily consume your most valuable asset—time.
Then, consider the lack of clear boundaries between home and sidewalk, the overcrowding of buildings, and unrestrained construction that can rob you of sleep even during the quietest hours of the night. Add to this the frequent formal and informal judgments about lifestyle choices or appearance.
This imagined world is a stark contrast—a utopian home in a truly dystopian setting. A world moving forward in a state of chaos, where despite many efforts to enforce order and laws, the rapid growth of population, construction, and traffic outpaces available infrastructure, leaving urban and social order far behind. The result is a city like Tehran, our beloved capital of Iran; Mexico City, the capital of Mexico; Beijing, capital of the People’s Republic of China;

Second Vision
Now, once again, we invite you to close your eyes and imagine a different world. In this scene, we’ll take you to an entirely different city. Here, with the price of that dream palace in Tehran or the luxurious outskirts of Lavasanat, you can buy an average apartment or villa with basic design and materials.
This home lacks gilded walls, luxurious wallpapers, multiple indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, jacuzzis, and vibrant gardens. It won’t have multiple master suites or TV rooms in every corner, nor a dedicated cinema room. But as soon as you step outside, you’ll be greeted by a world filled with tranquility.
In this place, not only are prices stable, but various sellers compete in a fully open market, lowering prices with attractive discounts. It’s a city that gathers all the world’s best in one location, offering, in one place, everything that makes life exceptional.

In this city, no one will judge you based on the clothes you wear. The relentless traffic, eating away at precious time and life, won’t await you right outside your door, nor will you be breathing polluted air on 90% of the days in a year.
At any hour of the day or night, you can walk around your neighborhood freely and peacefully. Even on the busiest streets, you can walk along safe routes, use elevators, escalators, or even automated walkways with minimal worry, free from the hazards of reckless driving.
It’s a city where, after just a few months, the sound of car horns will become unfamiliar. And if you happen to misplace your phone, ring, money, or any other valuable item, there’s a 90% chance you’ll recover it within 24 hours.
In every corner of the city, designated bike lanes have been created, and if you stand near a pedestrian crossing with a green light, all cars will pull up in a line, flashers on, respectfully waiting for you to cross.

This is Dubai.
Now, the choice is yours: «A Lavasan mansion or the global city of Dubai».
From the luxurious villas and mansions of Lavasan to the apartments and villas in Dubai’s global metropolis—living in a fully equipped home without peace, or in a city full of comfort and security?
From Lavasan Palace to Dubai Cosmopolis